Introduction to internal affairs
Welcome to internal affairs, a project about internships in graphic design studios. Below here you will find more than 60 posters created by young designers, interning at studios from 38 different countries. Their posters are visual answers to various topics within a regular internship.
During 2018 we reached out to more than 300 studios from all around the world to finally select 60 of them. Each intern (sometimes there were two interns at the same time at one studio) was given 3 weeks to produce a poster, without any outside art direction.
Rules were simple:
Create a poster based on the given phrase
No outside art direction
Three weeks to hand in your poster
Based on these phrases, we wanted to tell the story of a very regular internship. The resulting posters illustrate a story, starting with the portfolio preparation followed by the first contact with the studio and ends with different aspects of the internship itself. In total, it’s 20 rounds with 20 different phrases.
Additionally, we are delighted to have exclusive essay- and interview-contributions by Kali Nikitas, Holger Jacobs, and Stefan Sagmeister.
Internal affairs is not a poster competition, neither an award for excellent design. It is an evaluation of a very common and important career step within the design industry. We hope you enjoy the results and we would also be happy to get your input on our topics we discuss on Instagram.