“I really messed up ordres, schedules, regeln, détails, deadlines, translations, präsentationen.”
What’s the idea behind your poster?
The words we chose are referring to situations that interns (in general) could mess up during their internships. The words are written in our native language (german/french) and English to create a “multi-linguistic” approach and a connection between our different cultures. The variations of the letterforms show our passion and enjoyment of what we do and love for our (graphic design) profession. The scramble paper is a reference of when you messed up something, and you want to throw it away—but we didn’t, we used this “mistake“ to create something new—every action requires a reaction. On the one hand the poster is a collection of words of messed up things and situations, but on the other hand, it can be seen as a reminder of things that you don’t have to mess up.